Thank you again for your faithfulness in praying for Bihar and the Lord to reach 16 million by December 2028.
This is our FIRST update! Please let us know any issues that come up.
Since we launched BI1228, the spiritual warfare has increased significantly. Please keep this in prayer.
However, we have also had some amazing break-throughs. We have several folks interested in some key positions in the ministry. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance for them.
Ready to fast? Tomorrow, the 28th of the month is fasting for Bihar!
We also launched the Facebook page, please like and share it!
We are still trying to figure out how to make these updates the most useful to you for the glory of God. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Here is the update with the news articles – click here
If you have any thoughts of comments, please make them below!
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